Club Competition – Reflections

14 March 2016 | Club Competitions

On 7th March the second formal competition for 2016, ‘Reflections’, was judged by Dermot Byrne who is a professional photographer who does Weddings to babies, food to jewellery, buildings to executives and everything else in between.

Dermot gave insightful and entertaining commentary on all the images presented.

Congratulations to all who took part and thanks to Dermot for a great evening.

Many thanks for all the entries in both Level 1 and Level 2 categories and congratulations to all who achieved a placing or commendation:-

Below are some images from the judging on the night:

Level 1

  • 1st – Adrift by Sheena Griffin
  • 2nd – Glencoe, Scotland – Helen Black
  • 3rd – Glendalough Reflection by Jean Hartin
  • Highly Commended – Larry Dalton
  • Highly Commended – Sphere of Influence by Gavin Ross
  • Highly Commended – Glendalough Reflection by George Balmer

Image Gallery below:

Level 2

  • 1st – Aurora by Janet Wippell
  • 2nd – Skyfall by Matt O’Brien
  • 3rd – Reflections by Stacey Neilson
  • Highly Commended – Sextet by Wendy Hannan
  • Highly Commended – Tate Britain by John Wiles
  • Highly Commended – Reflected Breakfast Selfi by Matt O’Brien

Images Gallery below: