Club Outing – Avondale House and Gardens

11 November 2022 | Club Outings

On Saturday 5th November 3 members, 2 of which have recently joined the Club, met at Avondale Gardens in Rathdrum to visit the Skywalk and to photograph the surroundings from this 10 metre high wooden walkway.

The weather was unkind in the beginning, which we would presume led to the poor attendance. However having had coffee reinforcement we ventured out and very soon the skies cleared and good light was forthcoming.

The staff had prepared some seasonal decorations in the form of Pumpkins and Ghouls which amused the visiting children and their families.

The autumn colours were still in place although not as strong as we would have wished, but the views were amazing.

The 1.7 km walk presented some great opportunities and we were kept busy comparing notes and settings as we went.

This location is well worth a visit as there is also the forest and a river walk which is free once the Car Park fee of €5.00 has been paid.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below:


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