Club Outing – Bluebells at Killinthomas Woods

10 May 2024 | Club Outings

Tuesday morning (30th April) was a rainy and unpromising start to the Offshoot outing to Killinthomas Wood on a quest to capture the ephemeral beauty of the bluebells and wild garlic carpeting the forest floor.

Initially four members arrived with a fifth about 20 minutes later. It took us a while to find our bearings but soon we were on Bluebell Avenue. As we walked through the forest we could get the scent of damp soil and the fragrant aroma of wild garlic while the canopy above filtered the sunlight, casting dappled shadows on the trees and foliage.

The group split up and we busied ourselves experimenting with different compositions, capturing close-up shots of individual blooms and wide-angle views of the expansive woodland and flora.

The rain made frequent but temporary appearances and swarms of midges (tiger midges according to Trevor) made themselves known but, despite this, we all agreed it was well worth the trip.

After an hour or so we decided that coffee beckoned in the metropolis of Rathangan and Jean suggest we adjourn to Ma’s Kitchen. On other member arrived a little later having encountered a heavy downpour. But coffee, scones, jam and cream faded the memories of rain and midges – another enjoyable offshoot outing, we departed around 1.30pm.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: