Club Outing – Bull Wall

15 January 2024 | Club Outings

Saturday 13th January was the first outing for 2024 and under the guidance of Eithne with the new outing committee. We met at the Happy Out Cafe just off the Bull Wall strand. There was a good turnout of 20 members despite the cold conditions.

There are two main areas of interest in close proximity to the Café, namely the path/break water out to the Statue of Our Lady and the wildlife hinterland in the dunes behind the café. The group split up to investigate both areas.

Walking on the Bull Wall provided opportunities to photograph the light houses at the bay entrance, the wall itself and views back towards the iconic Poolbeg Stacks in a soft light for ephemeral pastel conditions. The maritime traffic of Dublin port also provided interest as it passed through the red and black lighthouses.

In the other arena of the dunes and hinterland, the marshland is normally a sanctuary for a variety of coastal birds. Today, at least for the writer, the picking were a bit lighter and some sandpipers were photographed. Others were more fortunate and saw some sanderling, turnstones and red shank.

Unfortunately towards the end, heavy mist set in and this shortened the outing somewhat. Nonetheless, the valiant that persevered made it back for some warming coffees in the Happy Out Café.

All in all it was enjoyed by all and a great start to the photographic New Year

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: