Club Outing – Copper Coast & Comeragh Mountains

15 February 2019 | Club Outings

Copper Coast & Comeragh Mountains, Co.Waterford
OffShoot Photography Trip
1st-3rd February 2019

The elements came together for our trip to the Co. Waterford, as light, tides and weather aligned to make this trip our best yet! Nineteen members covered 9 locations, split into groups to ensure that no individual location was over-crowded. Lots of advance planning was carried out by Rory, Ronnie & Olive to optimise everyone’s chances of being in the right place at the right time.

On Friday evening we captured the high tide followed by a beautiful warm sunset at Ballydowane, Kilfarrssey and Bunmahon (Trá na Bó). Wellies were the order of the day, though that didn’t prevent a few participants from getting soaked!

Based in the Park hotel, Dungarvan, we rose well before dawn on the Saturday to be on site for the beautiful light before, and golden light of, sunrise. Ballincourty Lighthouse, Clonea and Bunmahon (Trá na Bó) were the sunrise locations.

The tide was mid-way out so we had to work for our images in the freezing cold!

After a tasty breakfast we headed off again, this time into the snowy Comeragh mountains, where our local contacts provided us with regular updates on the roads around the Mahon falls. Needless to say, we made it there, and again, the light and snow captivated us.

On Saturday evening we returned to the coast, with hide tide and beautiful light enabling us to capture great images. And this time we were a little better prepared for the conditions!!

It was with hearty appetites and full memory cards that we sat down to a delicious meal in the Park Hotel that night. The options for Sunday morning gradually reduced to Hotel Beds, the Oyster beds, and a hike to Coumshingaun. From what I’ve seen and heard of Sunday, everyone was happy with their choices – and the verdict was unanimous that we should make this an annual trip from OffShoot.

Olive Gaughan

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: