Club Outing – Copper Coast Weekend

30 November 2023 | Club Outings

On the balmy weekend starting 10th November 19 members met in the Park hotel in Dungarvan to photograph the beautiful Copper Coast.

On the Friday evening the early arrivals met in Ballydwan cove to photograph the waves, stack and beach. We were greeted with a beautiful golden sunset which delighted everyone. A few members then proceeded to Tra no mBo and also captured Golden light and the stacks. We then adjourned for dinner and met the rest of the members in the Hotel.

On Saturday before dawn the Group broke up into those who wanted to shoot the Oyster Beds and the Groynes, and others who returned to Ballydwan and other locations in that area. Again the weather was kind and some beautiful scenes were captured. Some members travelled the short journey to Ballynacourty Lighthouse which is always scenic. After a hearty breakfast we visited a number of local beauty spots, including Lismore, the Towers at Ballysaggartmore and Dromana Gate. The Autumn colours were still in place and contributed hugely to the beautiful photographs.

On Saturday afternoon we revisited the local beaches and coves for some more stunning sunset colours.

On Sunday morning the group again split up and ventured to the Lighthouse, the Groynes / Oyster beds and Ballydwan Cove, which produced arguably the best sunrise shots of the weekend.

A few more adventurous members made their way to a remote beach near Tra na mBo to assess the access to some stunning stacks which were found on Photography Web-sites. Unfortunately the access was a little too dangerous on the day, but subsequent enquiries have led to a safe solution for future access.

All-in-all this was a most successful Outing and all members captured some quite stunning images.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: