Club Outing – Dodder Wildlife

5 April 2024 | Club Outings

On a very pleasant, sunny Tuesday morning a group of 11 members met at the ‘usual spot’ on the Lower Dodder Road. The outing had originally been scheduled to take place the previous week, but due to weather conditions at the time, it had been moved to 2nd April.

At approx. 9.40 a streak of bright blue was spotted at the top part of the river. Sure enough the much prized kingfisher had appeared.

It made its way fairly quickly to some branches across from our vantage point and stayed, with its back to us, for a few minutes. It then flew off again in the direction of Rathfarnham bridge.

Alas that was the last we saw of it. The resident heron was hanging around as usual. This time in a tree in order to get a ‘birds eye view’ of all the people with lenses who were generally ignoring it.

Some of the group ambled down to the area where the foxes usually hang out but they were nowhere to be seen either.

A regular at the Dodder told us that the kingfishers are currently nesting and the chicks will probably hatch in the next few weeks.

In light of this information we decided to organise a return outing in a few weeks time and we adjourned to a nearby coffee shop.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: