Club Outing – Dublin Zoo

13 February 2023 | Club Outings

On Saturday morning 11th February, 11 members of our club gathered outside the gates of the ‘Ah-Zoo’, cameras in hand, ready to explore its almost 70 acres of animals and birds. ( Dublin Zoo 1st opened its doors to the public in 1840, charging one penny for entry!)

The weather was kind to us ……. mild, overcast skies, perfect conditions for photography.

We split up to cover all sectors of the park, regrouping after a few hours for coffee and chat in the Sea Lion Cafe. There was some suggestion that the Orangutans were perhaps the most photogenic subject, helpfully posing for the assembled photographers. Others felt that the African Savanna section was most captivating. Impossible to choose.

A great day out.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: