Club Outing – Dun Laoghaire Sailing

25 July 2017 | Club Outings

For our outing on the 20th July as we waited in the car, it wasn’t the most promising of starts to our outing. The heavens opened and there was a torrential downpour – !! Irish Summer strikes again !!

But it soon cleared and we actually had no rain for the rest of the evening.

Twelve people turned up for this outing – some with sailing experience, others with none! Not that it mattered. Some headed off to shoot things other than boats but most of us set up near the sailing hut at the West Pier as the wall provided a good windbreaker and this spot gave a clear view of the racing.

We had checked the course and knew that the finish was going to be at the ‘Turning’ mark. We would have liked a spinnaker (big, colourful, billowy sail out front) leg to the race to happen near us but wind direction didn’t allow that so we had to be content to watch this through a zoom lens.

The other thing we hoped for was great backlit sails as the boats finished and made their way through the harbour entrance but the weather didn’t play ball on this either as the sun dipped below some cloud and didn’t reappear. Drat !! No sunset – double drat !!

But at least we had a pleasant outing – not too windy and no rain ! We hope everyone enjoyed it, thanks for coming along!

Some images (click on an image to open in full screen mode) from the outing below: