Club Outing – Emo Court and Rock of Dunamase

22 July 2020 | Club Outings

Bright and early last Saturday morning (18th July) fourteen members met in the car park of Emo Court.

Most members headed off into the woods in search of red squirrels while a small few others headed down to the lake. We’re only aware of one member, Olive Gaughan, who actually got a few shots of a Red Squirrel and that was at least partly due to Peter Brennan’s sharp eyes!

The rest of us had a lovely walk while searching for red squirrels but unfortunately failed to even see one never mind capture it! However, we did get some shots of the beautiful house and lake as well as the resident ducks and swans.

After brief refreshments, eight of us continued on to The Rock of Dunamase and had a lovely sunny afternoon taking lots of images of the old ruins from a variety of angles.

Bees and butterflies were plentiful on the wildflowers scattered around. The view from the top of The Rock across the countryside stretched for miles and was really magnificent, although we doubt if any photograph will do it justice.

Overall it was a lovely day and members seemed to go home happy with the images they had captured.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: