Club Outing – Glencullen Adventure Park Mountain Biking

12 February 2024 | Club Outings

On Sunday 4th February we had a drizzly start, low cloud and pretty windy – but 12 members were not put off and met up at the Gap Adventure Centre bright and early, excited for a new challenge of sports action photography in the woods. Its located about 5 minutes from Johnny Foxes.

The intricate network of mountain bike trails start on a height about 2km up above the centre. A team of vans ferries the bikers and their bikes up to different start points and the bikers make their way down the trails, and then they do it all again!

The team at the GAP kindly offered to bring us up in a van to a mid-way point on the course to some tricky black runs, for some good jump action. We did have to wait a short time for this service but there is a nice café on site, so we had a coffee there and discussed the possible ISO and shutter speed challenges, as we waited.
Once the van was ready, timely as the drizzle had also cleared, we headed into the trees.

The bikes were fast, and the challenge was real to get that illusive air shot! We were in the trees, well out of harms way and cameras at the ready for when we saw the colourful helmets appearing in the distance! A great adrenaline buzz!

We stayed together, at different points along a tricky section of trail that had several jumps and turns which gave great opportunity for interesting shots. The riders were amazing!

Once satisified we had something, we made our way down again, admiring the view over the city below and passing the randomly placed Sauna cabin! And of course, back to the Kitchen Cafe for another cuppa!

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: