Club Outing – Killinthomas Bluebells

10 May 2023 | Club Outings

On Tuesday the 2nd of May, after two postponements awaiting Bluebells, this outing finally took place with 7 members turning up on a morning with bright sunshine. This was to prove challenging as the sun created high contrasts in the Woods.

The forecast was for more cloudy weather later in the morning but this did not transpire.

Killinthomas Woods had had a Music Festival the day before and the evidence was apparent amongst the flowers. Nevertheless the Bluebells had turned up and the challenge was to find the best patches in amongst the trees.

There were a few areas which included the Bluebells along with Wild Garlic and we photographed those with the wonderful aroma of the garlic enveloping us.
Some butterflies appeared in the garlic patches and provided an additional challenge as they flitted from flower to flower.

A few pleasant hours were spent here and three of us adjourned to nearby Rathangan for the compulsory coffee. All-in-all it was a successful day despite the challenge of the sunshine.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: