Club Outing – Kingfisher on the Dodder

9 December 2020 | Club Outings

On Tuesday 8th December 15 well-insulated members braved chill winds on Tuesday morning to explore what the Dodder river at Rathfarnham might present in terms of wildlife.

While, unfortunately, no Otter appeared there were lots of birds in evidence, including Moorhen, Mallard, Grey Wagtail, Dipper, Cormorant, Blue Tit, Wren, Long-tailed Tit and Little Grebe.

Star of the show, of course, was the Kingfisher who obliged us with his presence for about an hour clearly oblivious to the many cameras focusing on his stunning plumage. There are very few places in Ireland where photographers can get with ten feet of this beautiful bird and it was wonderful for members, especially those new to nature photography, to get this opportunity.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: