Club Outing – Laytown Races

8 September 2017 | Club Outings

On the 5th September a number of members travelled to Laytown to attend the annual beach race on Laytown strand. Having secured press accreditation for the event which allowed access to the restricted beach area, the members were able to take sporting images which for once had clean backgrounds and no distractions.

Laytown strand races have been in existence for one hundred and forty years and occupy a unique position in the Irish racing calendar as it is the only race event run on a beach under the Rules of Racing.

Attendances at the event have ranged between 5,000 and 10,000 over the years. Many leading trainers support the event including Dermot Weld, Kevin Prendergast, Mick O’Toole, Tommy Stack and Michael Cunningham.

It’s not Royal Ascot. It’s not Glorious Goodwood but Laytown Strand Races have been part of the life of the east Meath area for many years. It is a surviving feature of a culture fast disappearing from these islands and it is as much a part of our heritage as Puck Fair and the Rose of Tralee.

Some images (click on an image to open in full screen mode) from the outing below: