Club Outing – Massey’s Wood

10 November 2023 | Club Outings

Despite the last-minute invitation for this Outing (Apologies from yours truly), 4 members turned up on a beautiful Saturday morning on 28th October to photograph Autumn Colours in Massey’s Wood.

Parking in the nearby Hell-fire Club Car park was difficult due to the many groups of bikers, hikers and indeed photographers who were vying for spaces. However there was sufficient coming and going to free up enough spaces.

The Autumn colours have not yet reached their peak, but there was sufficient colour in areas of the Woods to make for good photographs.

There was also a chase on to spot fungi amongst the fallen tree trunks and sufficient of them showed their faces to allow photos to be taken.

The Glendoo Brook river was flowing strongly and made for some nice water shots.

We spent 2 and a half hours and 3 members braved the long queue in the nearby Timbertrove Café to round off the morning with a well-earned coffee.

Members are advised that the Autumn colours are still to reach their peak and should visit woods again over the next few weeks.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: