Club Outing – Point to Point (Tinahely)

2 March 2015 | Club Outings

To say that we woke up to weather that was a bit inclement would be a bit of an understatement. However firm in the ‘belief’ from the weather forecast that things would get better in the afternoon we set out to Tinahely.

When we arrived there the rain was coming down in sheets and the first race was already underway. Having come all the way and secure in the knowledge that we had brought dry clothes, wellies and an air of ‘we’re here so we may as well see what we can get’ we set out across a quagmire of mud to the course. The first race was done and it was still raining hard. However as we waited for the second race the rain softened a bit and by the third race had stopped.

True to the weather forecast the sun came out at 2pm and the rest of the afternoon was clear and we (Mike, Julian, Robert & Ian) had a great time getting some good shots along the way!

Some of these are below: