Club Outing – Portrane Cliff Walk

7 August 2020 | Club Outings

On Tuesday 4th August the forecast was gale force winds and the morning didn’t look promising but we had only one cancellation. Seventeen members duly turned up at the car park in Portrane!

Three members headed down the beach where there was some shelter while the other brave souls started off on the cliff walk.

The beach trio seemed content and when we walked along the cliff path a little later we met a very happy bunch of members coming back. The highlight seems to be the appearance of a Kestrel hovering overhead but we’re not sure if anyone was fast enough to get a shot!

There really was something for everyone: coastal landscapes, wildflowers, birds, Portrane round tower and Donabate Martello tower. So despite the winds and largely grey clouds, our members seemed very happy that it was a good location for a shoot.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: