Club Outing – Saltee Islands (2015)

25 May 2015 | Club Outings

Early on the morning of 24th May ten brave OffShoot members headed to Kilmore Quay to go on what is now our annual outing to the Saltee Islands.

For those of us leaving from Dublin this was done in the rain making us wonder if we were in for a day of discomfort on the island.

Luckily by the time we got to Kilmore Quay the rain had stopped and the clouds were breaking up. We began to think that the day may not be that bad.

On the boat ride over conditions had continued to improve and soon afterwards the day turned glorious! Sufficient to say many greater photos were taken of which some are below.

The day was finished by a number of the participants having an ice-cream cone at the seafront like children…