Club Outing – Sculpture in Context Exhibition at the Botanic Gardens

28 September 2015 | Club Outings


We had a beautiful end of summer morning for our Outing to the Botanic Gardens to photograph the sculpture in situ within the Gardens. We were met by Jackie, a member of the committee who have us a brief history of the Exhibition and its long association with the Gardens. Jackie then highlighted where some of the most interesting pieces were to be found within the Gardens. There were about 10-12 of us and we dispersed throughout the gardens to find the most interesting shots.

After about an hour we then split into two groups and were able to enter the Palm House and go up to the gallery that goes around above the huge Palms and Banana trees. The heat and humidity misted up everyone’s lenses. It cleared after about 5 minutes. We were also able to go outside and view the gardens from above which was very interesting.

All in all, it was an interesting outing on a beautiful day in Glasnevin and was a different take on a day in the Botanic Gardens.