Club Outing – Skerries and Ardgillan Castle

27 June 2019 | Club Outings

With muted sunshine and a full tide, rapidly receding, under a medley of clouds five members met in the car park at Skerries. We wandered the seashore waiting wistfully for the sun to light Rockabill and its lighthouse and the Colt Island. Coffee beckoned after which there were three. From Skerries to the Ardgillan demesne is but a short distance and after the briefest of discussions a visit to the castle was decided upon. We wandered amongst the rooms where the gentry of yesteryear had spent their time and pondered upon their life and that of the servants. And after another coffee we meandered home to our own domestic bliss.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: