Club Outing – Streets of Dublin

29 August 2018 | Club Outings

The end of summer, sunset by 8:45 pm, the light falling fast when 12 OffShoot members met under the burnished Molly Malone at 8:00 pm on Monday 27th August.

Lenses creakingly opened up to their widest. ISOs in the thousands the members toured the lanes and streets of Temple Bar, an area where everyone is taking photos and no-one seems to mind being in the frame.

In the world of colour the beauty of B&W at night was explored, not so the pubs.

Below are the results of their labours.

Amazingly no-one was lost. But then I can’t count above ten or was that the time we left the IFI.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: