Club Outing – Tag Rugby Blitz

25 March 2024 | Club Outings

This ever-popular Super Saturday blitz was back for its 5th year and took place on Saturday 16th March 2024 in Pembroke Cricket Club in Sandymount.

This annual blitz is held on the last day of the Men’s Six Nations Championship and featured 6 teams representing Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, France, and Italy. Each team had men and women and each match lasted 15 minutes, played on a smaller-size pitch.

All the teams had their faces painted in their national colours and for added amusement, the French team all sported moustaches including the women.

The tag matches started early and finished well in time for the first rugby game of the afternoon. Despite the overcast skies and intermittent drizzle, the enthusiasm of the 7 Offshoot members was not dampened and we received a very warm welcome from the organisers. We split up to cover the matches played on the 3 rugby pitches. It’s a fast action game, with players pirouetting and prancing like a well-choreographed ballet dance.

As a thank you to the players, we shared our best shots with them as a memento of the day’s activities.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: