Club Outing – Three Waterfalls

24 April 2024 | Club Outings

On the nicest day of the year so far, 20th April, 18 members met at Ballinafunshoge waterfall. It’s right beside the small carpark and people took turns moving into the most advantageous positions. As there were so many of us some members decided to visit the remaining waterfalls in a different order so that we wouldn’t all arrive together.

For the main group, our second one was Carawaystick. One of the committee had obtained permission in advance from the landowner to allow us onto his land, so we could get closer to the house and waterfall. The valley into which it flows is the longest glacial valley in Ireland & Britain and with the red roofed house and yellow gorse it looked lovely.

Our final stop was Coolalingo Waterfall. Access involves climbing up and over a wall and making your way down a fairly steep rocky and muddy bank. At the bottom is the crystal clear river into which flows three waterfalls.

Thanks to the rain of the past few weeks the flow in all the waterfalls was very good and everyone was happy.

The weather remained glorious for the rest of the day so if people chose their gardens over diving straight into Lightroom that was quite understandable.

Some images (click on an image to open in full-screen mode) from the outing can be seen below: