AIPF – Robbie O’Leary

“ Sportraits”

We live in a sports-mad nation. Every weekend, in fair weather and foul, the parks and tracks, the rivers and lakes, the fields and hills all over Ireland come alive to the sights and the sounds of ordinary people, men and women of all ages and from all walks of life, as they tog off or saddle up, and take part in the sport they love.

This panel attempts to convey some of the colour, the spectacle and the drama of these events as the participants compete – against others or just against themselves – in their chosen pursuit, and to capture the sense of engagement, of concentration and of determination that characterises their participation.


Click on any image below to show a fullscreen view of the images in the panel:


One of the most important services provided by the Irish Photographic Federation is the IPF Distinctions service.

Individual photographers present their work before the distinctions judges, who assess whether the applicant should be awarded the relevant distinction applied for.

There are three levels of Distinction:- Licentiateship, Associateship, and Fellowship. Distinctions sittings are held twice a year; typically in May and November.