Guest Speaker – Graham Walsh

16 September 2012 | Guest Speakers



Graham is based in Drogheda and currently studying photography in O’Fiaich College in Dundalk. He kindly dropped into our meeting on the 10th of September to share with us his interest, knowledge and images of Landscapes and Seascapes from around Ireland and beyond.In his own words Graham is “never happier then when I have a camera in my hand” and his enthuasism certainly came across during his talk with us.

Aside from his interesting slide show Graham also brought his favorite camera and lens combination and spoke of his preference for using Lee neutral density filters to balance the light and contrast in foreground and sky.What also came across in Grahams presentation was his predisposition to ‘getting his feet wet’ – if the best angle for the shot just so happens to be in two feet of water then in he goes …

You can find out more about Graham and see more of his work here