Guest Speaker – Peter Gordon

14 March 2015 | Guest Speakers

Peter's winning IPPA 2015 Landscape Portfolio

Peter’s winning IPPA 2015 Landscape Portfolio


Fresh from his 3rd win in a row in the IPPA Landscape Category the night before Peter joined our meeting on Monday 9th March.

He gave us a preview of current project which he has titled ‘In a Different Light’ which consists of painting ‘familiar’ landscape items with LED lights. He also showed us some images from his Iceland workshops.

He followed on by taking us through the workflow and process he uses to process images giving pointers as to what to look for in the image and how to enhance the image. Everybody left the meeting having enjoyed a great evening.

See more of Peter’s work at and join one of his workshops at

Below are examples from Peter’s new night work project coming soon called ‘In a Different Light’ and some new Iceland images.

All images above © Peter Gordon. Used with permission.