Club Outing – Christchurch Cathedral

Club Outing – Christchurch Cathedral

On Tuesday 28th January 12 members braved the lashing rain to enjoy our outing to Christchurch Cathedral. We had been given permission to use tripods which made a huge difference as the lighting in the beautiful building isn’t great. The cathedral was originally a...

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Club Outing – Wicklow Gaol

Club Outing – Wicklow Gaol

The outing to Wicklow Gaol on Saturday 18th January was an enjoyable photographic and social day out, attended by 14 members on a rather cool Saturday morning. The cold conditions seemed to complement the sombre atmosphere of the Gaol itself. Wicklow Gaol, a historic...

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Club Outing – Duffy’s Circus

Club Outing – Duffy’s Circus

On 19th December 18 of our members ‘rolled’ up to Tallaght Stadium for a very unique outing – to Duffy’s Circus. A famous name in the circus world, Tom Duffy’s circus was established in 1979, but Tom’s lineage goes right back with a family circus tradition that...

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Club Outing – Dublin Christmas Lights

Club Outing – Dublin Christmas Lights

It’s Christmas time, and the annual Offshoot Christmas Lights outing took place on December 14th. A group of fourteen members gathered in the Q Bar, just off O’Connell Street Bridge, to begin the evening. Initially, the weather was inclement, with a mist that turned...

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What’s On

Here are the next scheduled meetings and events for the club:

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What’s On

Here are the next scheduled meetings and events for the club:

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