Notice of Club AGM – 26th January 2015

13 January 2015 | Announcements & Notices

The Offshoot AGM will be held on Monday 26th January at 8pm. Committee members will report on club activities during the year, there are some minor constitutional changes proposed and there will be the election of the new committee. So the AGM is a recap of the year and great opportunity for you, as a member, to have your say in how you would like your club to be run.

Meeting Agenda:
The AGM of the OffShoot Photography Society takes place on Monday the 26th January 2015, 8pm at St. Brigid’s School, Cabinteely.

The Agenda will include:

  • Committee Report
  • Members questions
  • An opportunity for the members to ask questions and get direct feedback from the outgoing committee
  • Proposed Changes to Constitution
  • New Committee Election
  • Any Other Business –  Other matters that you may wish to discuss

New Committee Election
There will be an election for the following committee roles, based on an open ballet. There will be an opportunity at the meeting for nominations. If you want to propose a nomination (with their consent) for any of these roles in advance of the meeting, please forward them to the secretary at

  • Chairperson
  • Vice Chairperson
  • Club Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Competitions Secretary