The Protocols below are based on the currently published HSE Guidelines and Government Guidelines. As the Guidelines change over time so will the details of some of the protocols outlined below.

Note: These are complementary to and not a replacement for the official Government or HSE guidelines and regulations. The currently active Government and HSE guidelines need to be adhered to at all times.

  1. Members must pre-register on the club website in order to attend Club outings. They may not just turn up on the day. (This is done via going to the What’s On section on the club website, selecting the outing/event you wish to attend and completing the booking form.)
  2. We ask that no member should attend an outing if they are feeling unwell, have any symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in contact with a person suffering from COVID-19 within the previous 2 weeks. To cancel your registration please Text Sylvia on 087 681 5321.
  3. Members should observe ‘social distancing’ and stay 2 metres apart on all club outings.
  4. Members should follow the HSE social etiquette guidelines in regard to coughing and sneezing. It is recommended members carry a small bottle of sanitiser in their backpack.
  5. Cameras and camera equipment should not be shared with other members during outings.
  6. For May, June & July at least it is recommended that members travel individually to the outing meeting point. Car-pooling is strongly discouraged at this time.
  7. There will be no meet-up for coffee or lunch after club outings so members are advised to carry a drink and snack in their backpack.

Please note all risks associated with attending OffShoot outings and events are accepted implicitly by the members attending an event by their attendance. We encourage all members to act responsibly and in the interest of all people attending the outing/event. The Outings Committee are very grateful for your co-operation in adhering to these protocols.