Club Outing – Portrait Workshop

20 March 2014 | Club Outings

Portrait Workshop

On 8th & 9th March club member Seamus Mac Kenna ran two one day workshops for members on Portrait photography at the Marine Hotel in Dun Laoghaire.

Seamus presented each day to a separate group of 16 members and the day ran from 10am until after 5pm.

In the morning Seamus covered the following material:

  • Theory on ‘Making the Shot’ and ‘Striking the Pose’ – ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture, the Lights & ways to pose the people.
  • Practical sessions using natural light covering both narrow and broad depth of field and the use of reflectors to ‘fill’ light. The participants got to practice the posing techniques with a professional model (Nikki) and amateur models (themselves together with a trio of daughters of members).

After lunch he covered:

  • Theory on ‘Fill in Flash’ and ‘Studio Light’ – Automatic fill in flash mode (TTL or equivalent), Manual Flash Control – Regulating Output, Zoom, Bounce & Catch light and lighting with one studio light.
  • Practical sessions using flash light filling in against bright ambient backgrounds as well as low & high key sessions attempting to achieve all of the 6 ‘classic’ lighting positions.

Thanks to Seamus for all his preparation and hard work which resulted in a great day being had by all in attendance. Thanks also to the patience of all our models.

Watch this space for the ‘follow on’ workshop….