Shoot With Me – Autumn 2020

18 December 2020 | Shoot With Me

Autumn 2020 Shoot With Me time came and we were in another Covid-19 lockdown.

However, some of our members were able to get out and get some Shoot With Me images.

On Monday 14th December these groups presented their output to the Society. The images from these groups can be seen below.

Autumn Colours (Lead Peter Brennan)

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Photo Stacking (Lead Karen Rothwell)

Click on an image below to enlarge:

HDR (Lead Andy Quinlan)

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Light Painting (Lead Mary Hahn)

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Autumn Woodland Colours (Lead Jean Clarke)

Click on an image below to enlarge:

The Image Never Lies (Lead Joe Tulie)

Click on an image below to enlarge: