Shoot With Me – Autumn 2023 Showcase #2

15 December 2023 | Shoot With Me

On Monday 4th December the second set of Autumn 2023 Shoot With Me showcase groups presented their output to the Society. Our leaders and groups were extremely inventive and the results are outstanding.

The images from these groups can be seen below.

Exploring Fernhill Park and Gardens  (Lead Richard Boyle)

Ruth O’Byrne, Pearl Walsh, Maeve Harrington & Derek Lindsay

Click on an image below to enlarge:

The Light in Woods (Lead Olive Gaughan)

George Balmer, Matt O’Brien, Lionel Barker, Richard Boyle, Peter Brennan, Hazel McLean & Frazer Meredith

Click on an image below to enlarge:

ND filters, and different ways to use them (Lead John Brew)

Russell Burke, Catherine Coleman, Anne-Marie Fitzpatrick, Niki McGrath & Jean Swift

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Floating in The Air – Levitation Photography (Lead Ken Dobson)

George Jackson, Sara Hanley, Olive Gaughan, Mark Elmore, Liam Slattery & Mary Hahn

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Photographing Landscapes in Black and White (Lead Peter Brennan & Liam Slattery)

Gerard Halpin, Paul O’Callaghan, Robert Hackett, Niamh McGreen, Linda Rafferty & Michael McNamara

Click on an image below to enlarge: