Shoot With Me – Spring 2020

28 August 2020 | Shoot With Me

Shortly after we announced the Spring 2020 Shoot With Me in February we headed into the Covid-19 lockdown and things came to a halt.

Fortunately, some of our members were keen and got started before the lockdown and managed to complete their sessions when the lockdown eased.

On Monday 24th August these groups presented their output to the Society. The images from these groups can be seen below.

Forced Perspective (Lead Tony Jobling)

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Memories (Lead David Sisk)

Click on an image below to enlarge:

HDR (Lead Andy Quinlan)

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Spring in Woodlands (Lead Jean Clarke)

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Name the Book (Lead John Brew)

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Kenetic (Lead Mike Smith)

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Astro(Lead Paul O’Brien)

Click on an image below to enlarge: