Shoot With Me – Spring 2021 Showcase 1

21 May 2021 | Shoot With Me

The Spring 2021 Shoot With Me time came and we were still in Covid-19 lockdown. The topics for this Shoot With Me were selected on the basis that the photographs could be taken individually and then the groups would work together to plan and produce the outputs for the showcase via video conferencing.

Our leaders and groups were extremely inventive and the results are outstanding. Due to the length of the Autumn showcase a decision was made to hold the showcase over two Monday nights. A fortunate decision as if we had tried for one night we would have needed about 4 hours to get through the images!

On Monday 10th May the first set of groups presented their output to the Society. The images from these groups can be seen below.

The Adamski Effect (Lead Emily Gallagher)

The Adamski effect owes its name to its creator, Josh Adamski (Tel Aviv 1948), a photographer who defines his work as a photo impressionism himself.

Through blur techniques and creating the illusion of movement, his images adopt an abstract tone, often dreamlike and pictorial.

Click on an image below to enlarge:

The Sea on my Doorstep (Lead Jean Clarke)

Aimed at those who had the sea within their 5 km limit.

Open to all possibilities the sea has to offer such as long exposures, sunrise/sunsets, wildlife, amenity, people etc.

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Black and White Portraits using Window Light (Lead Andy Quinlan)

This project consisted of taking portraits using window light and exploring how to process Black and White images using Silver Efex software.

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Managing Images in Lightroom (Lead Michael McNamara)

The group covered file placement, folder layout, importing, collections, keywords, and backup of Lightroom files and images.

Also, helped each person to understand the reasons for their own image management decisions.

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Basic Compositing in Photoshop (Lead Ken Dobson)

The group learnt together the basic techniques of Compositing.

Compositing is a technique to combine elements of several images together in Photoshop to create one final image.

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Photoshop Techniques (Lead Liam Haines)

The groups set out to learn some Photoshop tools. Specifically Liquify and Puppet Warp.

Along the way they had to learn some selection techniques!

Click on an image below to enlarge: