Shoot With Me – Spring 2021 Showcase 2

28 May 2021 | Shoot With Me

The Spring 2021 Shoot With Me time came and we were still in Covid-19 lockdown. The topics for this Shoot With Me were selected on the basis that the photographs could be taken individually and then the groups would work together to plan and produce the outputs for the showcase via video conferencing.

Our leaders and groups were extremely inventive and the results are outstanding. Due to the length of the Autumn showcase a decision was made to hold the showcase over two Monday nights. A fortunate decision as if we had tried for one night we would have needed about 4 hours to get through the images!

On Monday 17th May the second set of groups presented their output to the Society. The images from these groups can be seen below.

Exploring Memories (Lead David Sisk)

The group explored the people, places and things that make up their memories of their earlier years, and document them photographically to help understand and communicate their significance for now and into the future.

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Get Down Low (Lead John Staunton)

This group features ground-level (or near as possible!) perspectives on the images. The emphasis was on generating as much creativity and impact from that perspective as possible.

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Freelensing (Lead Kazi Ushioda)

Also known by the more unfortunately named “Lens Whacking”. The participants needed a mirrorless camera, a manual lens of approx standard focal length, and a willingness to expose the sensor.

This project consisted of taking images with the lens held manually in front of the sensor and not fully attached to the camera.

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Learning to SEE Better (Lead Pat Divilly)

Many of us default to our comfort zone when making format/perspective image decisions. The objective of the group was to challenge members to take multiple different format/perspective images on each outing.

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Twirl Art in Photoshop (Lead Richard Boyle)

Twirl art is where you take an image you have, put it into Photoshop, blur it, and then twirl it around its centre. Make a copy of the effect, twirl it in the opposite direction, and then blend the two versions together.

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Puddle Photography (Lead Sharon Burrell)

Something different! A technique getting down low, but not wet & capturing reflections. All this group needed was a puddle!

Click on an image below to enlarge: