Shoot With Me – Spring 2022 Showcase #1

27 May 2022 | Shoot With Me

The Spring 2022 Shoot With Me showcase time came and we were happy to be back showing printed images. The showcase was held as a hybrid meeting with some members being in the hall and some joining via video conferencing.

Our leaders and groups were extremely inventive and the results are outstanding. A decision was made again to hold the showcase over two Monday nights. A fortunate decision as if we had tried for one night we would have needed about 4 hours to get through the images!

On Monday 23rd May the first set of groups presented their output to the Society. The images from these groups can be seen below.

Ghost Signs (Lead David Sisk)

Robert Acton, Richard Boyle, Peter Brennan, Mark Elmore, Linda Rafferty & Liam Slattery

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Bird Photography (Lead Ken McFarland)

Sarah Lancaster, Rory Wallace, Robert O’Leary, Niall Duffey, Gerry Maloney & Emily Gallagher

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Getting Started (Lead Ian Gemmell)

Amy Templeman, George Jackson, Jean Swift, Sara Hanley, Deidre Morris & Mike Smith

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Seniors on Tour (Lead Pat Divilly)

Ger Connell, Gerry Donovan, Liam Haines & Paddy Maddock

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Black and White with a Colour Pop (Lead Gerry Donovan)

Russell Burke, Jean Clarke, Rob Hackett, Enda Magee & Andy Quinlan

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Fleeting Reflections (Lead Wendy Hannan)

Deirdre Irwin, Phil Tung, John Wiles, Ruth O’Byrne & John O’Connor

Click on an image below to enlarge: