Shoot With Me – Spring 2023 Showcase #2

12 June 2023 | Shoot With Me

The Spring 2023 Shoot With Me showcase time came and we were happy to be back showing printed images.

Our leaders and groups were extremely inventive and the results are outstanding. A decision was made again to hold the showcase over two Monday nights.

On Monday 29th May the second set of groups presented their output to the Society. The images from these groups can be seen below.

Filters for Beginners (Lead Peter Brennan & Liam Slattery)

Mark Elmore, Amy Templeman, Enda Magee, Niall McDonnell & Sara Hanley

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Seniors Anniversary Tour (Lead Pat Divilly)

Jean Clarke, Catherine Coleman, Gerry Donovan, Liam Haines, Mike McNamara, Deirdre Morris, Andy Quinn, Liam Slattery, Jean Swift, Peter Chapman & Gerry Donovan

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Water Drop Photogaphy (Lead John Brew)

Bob Acton, Mary Hahn, Ger Connell & John O’Connor

Click on an image below to enlarge:

Baths (Lead David Sisk)

Peter Brennan, Robert Hackett, Ken Dobson & George Balmer

Click on an image below to enlarge: