SWM December 2016 – Oil on Water

27 December 2016 | Shoot With Me

We were a group of 5 who met in 2 groups around a bowl of water! Our set up was a glass table top suspended across 2 chairs about 2 feet above a variety of coloured cards and patterned papers.

Washing up liquid (to disperse the oil) was gently mixed into a glass bowl of shallow water (to avoid bubbles), and then olive oil was gradually added giving a collection of oil globules on the surface of the water.

Then cameras, macro lens with large aperture (to get oil in focus but background cards blurry), tripods with horizontal bar, good lighting of the background behind the oil, a huge variety of coloured backgrounds, a straw to re-position oil bubbles and a lots of patience were the final ingredients to our selection of ‘Oil on Water’ images.

Click on an image below to enlarge: