SWM December 2016 – Portraiture from Horror Movies

30 December 2016 | Shoot With Me

Every couple of years at SWM time Seamus McKenna returns to this theme of the baddies from those 80’s horror movies. On this occasion Seamus wanted to combine the baddies in suitable pose with backlit, coloured fog for effect.

Stephanie, Terry, Tony and Ken were up for a laugh and the challenge. We met on two occasions at Tony’s house, got the small smoke machine working and used colour gels on the studio lights to colour the smoke / fog.

Everyone had to dress up as one of the characters or help with smoke and lights if it wasn’t their turn behind the camera. Reality was suspended. Creativity was encouraged. No whacky suggestion was unreasonable.

Great fun was had by all and welcome refreshments were kindly served by Tony after each shoot.

Click on an image below to enlarge: