SWM May 2016 – Natural Light Portraits

7 June 2016 | Shoot With Me

The purpose of our Shoot With Me was to explore Natural Light Portraits. We wanted to experience as many variations on natural light as possible during the time we had. The intention was to see how versatile the light was and if it was possible to get acceptable results given the limitations imposed by mother nature.

We managed to get out on three occasions, with very different lighting conditions.

We had an overcast day in early Spring, a session using window light in the DLR Lexicon (Thanks Pat) and finally a sunset.

We discovered the versatility that can be had, for portraits at least, by utilising natural light with some inexpensive accessories such as 5-in-1 reflectors.

We also managed to shoot some images in “Open shade” during a very sunny day when the light was very harsh.

In conclusion we discovered it should be always possible to find some decent light at any time of year despite anything the Irish weather throws at you.

The group was comprised of Pat Coffey, Fiona Magner, Terry Kelly, Jean Clarke, Stacey Neilson.

Click on an image below to enlarge: