SWM May 2016 – Silhouettes (People, Places and Things)

2 June 2016 | Shoot With Me

Our group consisted of Angeline Whelan, Barbara Wearen, John Brew, Bob Cobban, Barry Matthews & George Balmer.

We set out to produce silhouette images taken both outdoors and indoors. The creation of a silhouette image proved quite easy to achieve and although we were unfortunate to have rather dull skies we managed to fulfil this objective.

It proved much more difficult to create a silhouette image with some form of story. Unless we selected a readily recognisable item it was difficult to generate an image with general appeal.

Indoors we successfully created silhouettes of ourselves (which we declined to show) and also silhouettes of ornaments, flowers etc.

All told we met on six occasions and enjoyed the company and usually a chat over coffee. We learned quite a bit and have ideas for future projects concerning silhouettes of family members etc. We can also now identify suitable subjects for this particular technique.

It was a useful and pleasant project.

Click on an image below to enlarge: