SWM May 2016 – Surreal Masked Dinner Party

31 May 2016 | Shoot With Me

The Project: Willing to take zany attitude and be photographed wearing mask. All black with colour to come from masks and “food”.

Each to be responsible for directing and arranging a course of the meal:

  • Canapés and Cocktails by Wendy Hannan,
  • Soup by Ann O’Dwyer,
  • Fish by Joe Tulie,
  • Pasta Course with dramatic scenario by Larry Dalton,
  • Fowl by Suzanne Cobban and
  • Desert by Wendy Hannan.

Lights and lighting was arranged by Larry Dalton and John Wiles.

We had one preparatory meeting, one lighting rehearsal and shot all within four hours one evening.

Click on an image below to enlarge