SWM May 2018 – Hugh Lane Inspiration

25 June 2018 | Shoot With Me

This group went to the Hugh Lane Gallery in search of inspiration and found it in abundance. Each of them had a unique experience, resulting in a diverse group of finished images.

Emily Gallagher was taken by the collection’s landscapes, and Ken Dobson was drawn to Keating’s iconic Tipperary Hurler. John Wiles was impressed by Francis Bacon’s studio and went to find other artists and craftspeople in their workplaces.

Noreen Casey took the title from “Nostos” by John Moriarty. He was a recent philosopher/nature mystic. His point was that all nature leads us to the divine. The inspiration for the image came from a painting by Rita Donagh, in which she amplified the message of a painting by adding two images, one a newsprint photograph, to an abstract background.

David Sisk reinterpreted Louis LeBrocquey’s ‘Child in a Yard’ using my own son at home and found it to be a deeply personal experience.

Barry Dillon further stripped down Farrell’s Madonna Irlanda (or the Very First Real Irish Political Picture).

Liz Roulston explored how history and culture continue to exert their influence, and travelled up north for her final image.

Click on an image below to enlarge: