SWM May 2018 – Kilmacurragh National Gardens, County Wicklow

1 July 2018 | Shoot With Me

The theme of our Shoot With Me was ‘Flowers & Trees of Kilmacurragh National Gardens, County Wicklow’.

Richard Boyle led the group of Monica Cullinan, Phil Tung, Robbie O’Leary, Tom Murphy and Wendy Hannan down the lesser known National Garden in County Wicklow (‘sister’ of the Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin), in late April.

We were blessed with sunshine the couple of trips we made, given the rain and snow of the previous weeks. But the poor weather of previous weeks meant that the displays of blooms and flowers were not at their best when we were there.

Despite that, we managed to get a few shots that display some of the range of attractions at this location.

They also have a very nice tea room for photography related chat after we had finished shooting!

Click on an image below to enlarge: