SWM May 2018 – Spring Flowers

23 June 2018 | Shoot With Me

The theme of our Shoot With Me was ‘Spring Flowers’. This Shoot With Me group was led by John Coveney who was joined by Sylvia Hick, Rory Wallace, Robert Hackett and Liz Roulston.

A Spring Flowers Shoot With Me seemed like such a good idea to get the year going – not knowing that the Spring of 2018 was going to be one of the coldest on record . . . and that was before Storm Emma and the Beast from the East struck!

Happily, the weather came good in the end and everyone managed to get some petally good shots at The Botanic Gardens, Kilmacurragh, Powerscourt, Altamont and Primrose Hill! Thanks to team members Liz, Sylvia, Robert and Rory.

Click on an image below to enlarge: