Club Outing – Wicklow with Peter Gordon

25 February 2014 | Club Outings

Peter Gordon

At 6:30am on Saturday 22nd February 20 Offshoot members descended on the Upper Lake at Glendalough for a day’s practical training with Peter Gordon. Luckily the weather was good and while cold there was no rain. The schedule for the day was a sunrise practical session until 11:00. From there we headed to the Glenview Hotel in the Glen of the Downs where Peter gave us some advice on landscape photography and post processing.

From there we headed up to Sally Gap for sunset. Unfortunately by then the rain had come back and we had to abandon taking sunset pictures.

A great day was held by all. Thanks to Mike and Stacey for organising and thanks to Peter for the great advice. We will be doing another session in November with Peter.