WWM May 2015 – ND Filters Explored

28 May 2015 | Shoot With Me

Each one in our group (Jean Hartin, Karen Rothwell, Denis Mahony, Julian Dockeray and George Balmer) had a variety of ND Filters, some unused since purchase. We set out to try our hand at photographing a waterfall, waves and clouds.

We had three most enjoyable trips to Marlay Park, Powerscourt and KIlliney Beach and also met to plan, post-process and simply enjoy sharing our experiences.

Our output was very pleasing and we learned a great deal about our “kit”, both good and bad. The dates we chose were cloudless but the waterfalls and waves performed to order. Now we are better able to select and use the type of ND equipment suited to our individual needs.

As well as enjoying the chance to “play” with some under-used equipment we had a lot of fun and made new friends.