Club Outing – Glencree Reconciliation Centre

The Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation was founded in 1974 as a response to violent conflict in Northern Ireland, and in light of a conviction that there must be a better way than violence and vandalism, intolerance and sectarianism.

A spirit of commitment to these ideals inspired the foundation of the Centre and continues to motivate its conflict resolution and peacebuilding work today.

German Military Cemetery, 1950’s

A short stroll from the Glencree Peace campus, is a stark reminder of the devastation of the First and Second World Wars. Set in a landscaped quarry, the German Military Cemetery is one of the many German war cemeteries in Western Europe. The bodies of 134 German military servicemen and civilians are buried here.
Although a neutral country on the edge of the main battlefields, Ireland did not escape the direct effects of the war. Many Luftwaffe (Airforce) personnel were killed in action over the country when their aircraft strayed off course in foul weather, or crashed as a result of damage while in action over England. Running out of fuel and navigational errors due to inexperience were also a cause of fatalities. Interred here also are a number of regular naval personnel (Kriegmarine) whose bodies washed up, sometimes in remote coastal locations. Of the eighty-one air and naval servicemen buried in Glencree, the identities of twenty-eight remain unknown.
Photographic opportunities will be the centre and its adjoining buildings, the stream nearby and the German Cemetery across the road. There are steps down to the stream so suitable equipment should be worn.

Address: Centre for Peace and Reconciliation, Oldboleys, Glencree, Co. Wicklow, A98 D635

We will meet outside the restaurant at 10.30.

For more details contact


It’s easy to become distracted when taking photographs. Use common sense, take responsibility for your own safety and then go shoot and have fun.

The event is finished.


02 Sep 2023


10:30 am - 2:00 pm

Next Event

