Club Outing – Wicklow Gaol
Wicklow Gaol is a former prison which is now a museum. There has been a prison building on this site since the late eighteenth century. It was used during the 1798 rebellion and prisoners were also held here before being transported to penal colonies. Prisoners from the War of Independence and the Irish Civil War were kept here too, the most famous of whom was Erskine Childers.
They have agreed to open at 10am for us, it opens to the public at 11am. There will be a short talk after which we can wander as we please. We can also use tripods.
There is free parking onsite but you need to get a voucher from reception.
Group admission is €11 (€9.50 for OAPs), this assumes a minimum of 10 people
We’ll meet at 10.00am at Wicklow Gaol.
It’s easy to become distracted when taking photographs. Use common sense, take responsibility for your safety, and then shoot and have fun.