Shoot With Me

The purpose of the Shoot With Me (SWM) is to bring old and new members together, to share learning and to get members out shooting. The idea is that some of the members (between 12 and 16) volunteer to lead a small group of fellow photographers in a project of the leaders choice.

(The project could be anything. Portraits, Still Life, Landscape, Seascape, Silhouettes, Macro, Musicians, Pets, Killiney Bay, Reflections … The list is endless.)

Shoot With Me – Autumn 2020

Shoot With Me – Autumn 2020

Autumn 2020 Shoot With Me time came and we were in another Covid-19 lockdown. However, some of our members were able to get out and get some Shoot With Me images. On Monday 14th December these groups presented their output to the Society. The images from these groups...

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Shoot With Me – Spring 2020

Shoot With Me – Spring 2020

Shortly after we announced the Spring 2020 Shoot With Me in February we headed into the Covid-19 lockdown and things came to a halt. Fortunately, some of our members were keen and got started before the lockdown and managed to complete their sessions when the lockdown...

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Shoot With Me June 2019 – Emulating your Favourite Artist

Shoot With Me June 2019 – Emulating your Favourite Artist

The theme of this Shoot With Me was 'Emulating your favourite Artist'. The group picked out various elements of their favourite artists work and tried to emulate them. The aim was to help people with analysing images, critiquing them and pre-visualising their own...

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SWM December 2018 – Capturing the Magic and Mystery of Fog

SWM December 2018 – Capturing the Magic and Mystery of Fog

The theme of this Shoot With Me was 'Capturing the Magic and Mystery of Fog'. The plan was to get an early morning sunrise shoot with open bodies of water and other sweeping landscapes like fields and low rolling hills. For those who were brave many early weekend...

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SWM December 2018 – Joiners

SWM December 2018 – Joiners

The theme of this Shoot With Me was 'Joiners'. Taking the lead from David Hockney, the group created photo collages which capture more than just a single viewpoint in a split second. Click on an image below to enlarge: [justified_image_grid max_rows=6 load_more=on...

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SWM December 2018 – Beginners

SWM December 2018 – Beginners

The theme of this Shoot With Me was 'Beginners' and it was aimed at beginners in the club. Outings were held to Seapoint & Salthill with the aim of getting photos of the views across Dublin Bay and of the foreshore with it varied seabird life. Click on an image...

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SWM December 2018 – Intentional Camera Movement

SWM December 2018 – Intentional Camera Movement

The theme of this Shoot With Me was 'Intentional Camera Movement'. Moving the camera during the exposure. The goal is to achieve a more artistic, dynamic or painterly effect in the photographs. Click on an image below to enlarge: [justified_image_grid max_rows=6...

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SWM December 2018 – Close-up Abstract / Macro Anatomy

SWM December 2018 – Close-up Abstract / Macro Anatomy

The theme of this Shoot With Me was 'Close-up/abstract/macro anatomy'. The aim was to capture and appreciate the human body that we see and use every day. This was not in any way a portrait or body art SWM, but a simple portrayal of seemly mundane anatomy with a...

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SWM December 2018 – Georgian Dublin

SWM December 2018 – Georgian Dublin

The theme of this Shoot With Me was 'Georgian Dublin'. This group set out to take pictures from the wealth of Georgian architecture in Dublin. Click on an image below to enlarge:

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